Do I need energy storage for my business?

Considering going solar, but not sure which type of solution is right for your business?

If you operate your business in South Africa, adding energy storage to your solution will most likely make sense due to the regular load shedding imposed by Eskom. It has been present since 2007, with no end in sight. Plus, the added benefit of being able to use the stored energy when there is no loadshedding for self-consumption, means that there is also less reliance on the grid, offering savings during peak and other times. Our team will assess your needs and requirements to recommend a bespoke solution for your business, balancing the upfront cost of the solar installation and long-term electricity consumption from other sources.

How do batteries work?

RenEnergy’s commercial energy storage solutions allow you to store your self-generated solar energy for use at a later time. Without energy storage, solar energy must be used in real-time, with any excess released to the grid. Energy storage saves your unused energy for later, reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and grid energy and creating a more reliable supply of energy during outages. The stored solar electricity can be used outside of daylight hours, during cloudy spells, for periods of unusually high energy consumption or for electric vehicle charging. Depending on your business’s electricity tariff, you can even draw cheaper energy from the grid at night and save it for use during peak times.

Energy storage may be installed at the same time as your solar panels or retrofitted. We currently are experiencing that a lot of our new and existing clients are adding energy storage to fight the effects of load shedding. We partner with best-in-business technology providers, so we can install a brand and type of battery that’s suitable for your needs.

What are the different types of systems?

1. Off-grid system with energy storage and back-up generator

Going off-grid is the ultimate goal for many businesses. It is a good idea to have a back-up generator for times of exceptionally high electricity consumption or unusually low light conditions when your batteries may run out.

2. Grid-tied system with energy storage or a hybrid system

Energy storage reduce your reliance on Eskom, which becomes your back-up for times of exceptionally high electricity consumption or unusually low light conditions when your batteries may run out.

3. Grid-tied system

This is a cost-effective installation where you rely on Eskom in times of high electricity consumption or low light conditions.

4. Grid-tied system with energy storage and a generator

When a business already owns a generator, it can be incorporated in a grid-tied system as a back-up.

What are the benefits and challenges of each type of installation?

Contact our expert team for a discussion on whether energy storage may be a good solution for your business.


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Renewable revolution